How to Join

You can apply for membership as follows.

Option one:

We invite new members to an initial one to one training session to introduce kickboxing to them. We will give you 3 days for this and you can choose a convenient day. Training time is 50 minutes. The fee for this is £7.00. We will email or text you to book a date.

Thus, you do not need to pay annual membership or monthly fees and you can decide to get membership after the first training.

Please Email or Text to reserve a date for this. Upon your notification, the first training will be notified to you by text message.

Option Two:

You can directly apply for our membership. Accordingly, you can come and start training on the training days.
To get our membership, the relevant application must be completed and the Membership Insurance fee £60.00 and monthly fee £48.00 must be paid prior to the  training.
If you think that you need one to one training before joining the group class, there is a possibility for that.
For this, please complete the following application form.

Please click here for the online application:

Joining Application


Still got questions? Get in touch. or 07422943308


Please visit:

Membership-inquiry page

Welcome To SBKR Martial Ars Dojo 

We thank you for your understanding and we look forward to seeing you soon!

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