News page 


Daniel Starrs and Adam Miller are currently in their third year at the Jissenkai Kickboxing Dojo and have advanced to 1st kyu brown belt, the rank prior to black belt. For this purpose, they successfully passed the grading test held on 29th April and 8th May.

Kickboxing Workshop

Kickboxing training program with Sensei Manolito Borsboom (3rd Dan) from the Netherlands will be on Saturday 18th of November 2023 at 4.00 to 5.00 pm.


Support for children's first Scotland charity 

Dear All

We would like to ask everyone for the support for children's first Scotland charity through our event.

Children 1st Scotland National Charity supports children affected by daily trauma of violence, neglect, sexual abuse, lack of emotional care and/or poverty and those who have additional needs.

All donations will go straight to Children's 1st Scotland Charity.

Please have a look at the link below if you are interested in supporting.

Yours sincerely,

Shihan Prasanna Fernando

Merry Christmas!!! 

We close the Dojo on Friday 23rd of December. Re-open in the new year on Thursday 4th of January 2023.

 Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a blessed New Year!!! 

Dojo Christmas Dinner 


Our Dojo Christmas dinner at the Cosmo  Restaurant,Glasgow. A big thank you goes to all the students for their fantastic support Great turnout year after year!



Congratulations to all those students who successfully passed their Kickboxing gradings this evening at the SBKR Honbu Dojo. Osu!

  •  Aamina Kauser 8th Kyu Blue belt
  •  Nicole Miller 8th Kyu Blue belt 
  •  Daniel Starrs 8th Kyu Blue belt
  • Adam Miller 8th Kyu Blue belt
  •  Vash Nadidoo 6th Kyu Yellow belt

Training with Sempai Tina Dettmann

7-09-2022 Our students had the chance to train with an instructor Sempai Tina Dettmann(2nd Dan Black belt) from Denmark. Thank you for your teaching, Sempai Tina. 



Congratulations to the new grades!

On Wednesday 4th April 2022 the Jissenaki Kickboxing Dojo held a Kyu grading test.Following a basic session, the candidates took to the floor showing many fundamental techniques in line work routines in including power test and sparring 2-4 continues fights. 

The following students who successfully passed their Kickboxing examination:

  •  Aamina Kauser 9th Kyu Orange belt
  •  Nicole Miller 10th Kyu Orange belt 
  •  Daniel Starrs 10th Kyu Orange belt
  •  Vash Nadidoo 8th Kyu Blue belt

Big thanks to all the volunteers!

We would like to thank everyone from the Jissenkai Kickboxing who came out to support this year’s Kyokushin Cup 2022 All UK Open Karate Tournament which was held on 3rd April in Glasgow.From the 7 am volunteers for the hall set up and registration came early and contributed to our tournament’s punctual 10 am start time. So, we are very thankful for everyone’s patience and organization skills.

On behalf of Sekai Budo Karate-do Renmei Kyokushin Karate Tournament Committee we would like to personally thank you for your recent contribution at our tournament

This event could not have been a success without the help of you and the many volunteers who donated their time.

-Shihan Prasanna Fernando-


Grading on 18th December


Congratulation to Adam Miler who passed his first kickboxing grading.

Christmas Holiday! 

.Dear all 

We close on Wednesday 22nd to Thursday 30th of December 2021.

Reopen in the new year on Tuesday 4th of January 2022. 

Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a blessed New Year!

Best wishes!


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