Start Training with SBKR

At SBKR Martial arts Centre, Glasgow city , we love to empower women. We have a women’s only class.

Japanese Goshin Jutsu based on a concept that a smaller, weaker person can use leverage and technique to defend themselves against a bigger and stronger opponent. Our classes have a focus on everyday self-defense techniques that can help you in real life situations. We use styles from multiple martial arts to gain advantages in a range of scenarios.


•             Learn how to protect yourself from most common attacks

•             Develop awareness and self-confidence to deal with typical assaults against women

•             Increase focus, energy and concentration

•             Increase self-confidence

•             Enjoy significant gains in overall fitness level

And most importantly, we're serious about empowerment!

Contact Us For More Information

The content of these classes is focused on the specific types of danger that women may face in their everyday lives. These classes not only teach effective practical skills, but deterrence and de-escalation strategies as well.

You do not need to have any prior martial arts experience. Our programme is structured so that beginners can start at any time at the following times:

Saturday at 7.00 pm

Monthly fee £40.00 for 4 classes per month, Membership fee/Insurance £60.00

*Morning ,afternoon classes and one to one AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST


SBKR Honbu Dojo 

No.105, 1st floor,AXIOM BUILDING

54 Washington Street,Glasgow,G3 8AZ


Phone:07422943308  Email:


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