Training hall address
AXIOM BUILDING,54 Washington Street, 1st floor,Studio 105,Glasgow,G3 8AZ 
Phone:07422943308    Email:
Contact person; Shihan Prasanna Fernando
Our Timetable 

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Online Application

Joining Form


One on One Sessions / Private Lessons available     Please contact for more information

 General Kickboxing for Men & women

Monday at 6.15 pm

Wednesday at 6.15 pm 

Monthly fee £48.00, Eight classes per month 

Membership+Insurance fee £60.00

Eight Classes  per Month

Specially designed for newcomers that will give you fitness and the confidence you need.

 Women only Kickboxing classes

Monday at 7.15 pm 

Wednesday  at 7.15 pm

Monthly fee £48.00, Eight classes per month 

Membership+Insurance fee £60.00

Eight Classes  per Month

Morning and afternoon classes AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST

 Children's Kickboxing classes 

Saturday at 6.00 pm

Montlhy fee £24.00, Four classes per month 

Membership+Insurance fee £50.00

Get your children involved in Jissenkai children’s Kickboxing classes. Our classes are a safe, non-contact martial arts class designed for children between aged 7 to 13. Not only will your kid have an amazing time, they will also be getting into great shape, increasing their strength and motor skills, learning effective self-defense, concentration and focus.

Women’s only Self defense class

Saturday at 7.00pm

Monthly fee £40 Four Classes  per Month

Membership+Insurance fee £60.00

Online Application

Protective equipment 

Members must bring Gloves, Shin guards and inner chest protectors for females. Shin guards must be of the soft cotton variety, hard plastic and leather shin guards are not allowed. If you do not bring protective equipment, you may not be permitted to train.

Annual Membership & Monthly fee for adults training

Jissenkai Kickboxing SBKR Dojo is currently open to new members.

All members are required to pay an initial membership fee £60.00 and monthly fee 38.00. 

Please note: Our first class will be charged £5.00 if a person requests to try a class which must be paid prior to attending training. The £5.00 will be deducted from the monthly fee of £38.00 if you would like to continue to attend training. From the second month, you must set up a Standing Order for the training fee

The membership fee provides the student with annual membership+personal insurance. Until the membership fee is paid you cannot train, though we are happy for people to watch the class until then. 

Please contact us by email regarding bank details for fees. 


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