Kickboxing fitness and Self-defense 

"At the Jissenkai Japanese Kickboxing, we pledge to provide a safe, disciplined, and inspirational environment for martial arts practitioners of all skill levels and age groups. We pledge to utilise our expertise and dedication in guiding you toward your martial arts goals. 

Kickboxing is growing at a phenomenal rate. It is easily the fastest-growing and most popular method of getting fit. Kickboxers combine all the different and varied martial arts kicks and hand techniques of the boxer. Kickboxing is also a great way to get a total-body workout whilst learning simple self-defense moves. Kickboxing improves flexibility, balance, and coordination, and can help you build faster reflexes.

Kickboxing Fitness  These classes integrate kickboxing with fitness, designed to burn calories and strengthen muscle groups. Kickboxing is a good fitness choice for those looking to burn calories for weight loss or to improve stamina and heart health. According to the research on Exercise this high-energy workout that can burn between 350 and 450 calories an hour.

Self-defense develops the cardio-kickboxing programs that we teach and to maintains the self-defense orientation of these fitness routines. Although the routines you practice may be very different, in most cases, they still contain the roots of functional self-defense techniques. By these guidelines to your martial arts fitness practice, you can find the “fight within the fitness” of your routines and use cardio kickboxing to greatly enhance your defensive skills.


Our Timetable 

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