Jissenkai Japanese Kickboxing 


Jissen-kai      ジッセン会 

Jissen means Full-contact, Kai means Style or system.

As in Japan students become masters this is the same all over the world in many walks of life and martial arts is no different. Jissen-kai is a product of this.  Jissen-kai is a system of Full contact Karate based upon Kyokushinkai, but there have been some changes and developments and this will continue under the supervision of its founder Shihan Prasanna Fernando(5th Dan)  Jissen-kai is a system of Karate that use’s both full contact Karate and boxing in its teaching’s and in doing so is a devastating Self-defence system.

In comparison, Japanese kickboxing has its own distinct tradition. You will learn about the mental and physical discipline needed in this great martial art that originated and is deeply rooted in Japanese Budo.

Members of our Dojo (Training Hall) clearly benefit from choosing one of two great styles: Kyokushin Karate or Jissenkai Japanese Kickboxing.

Affiliated with the British Martial Arts & Boxing Association 

Our Instructors

Prasanna Fernando

Shihan Prasanna Fernando (5th Dan) is the owner and Head Instructor at Kyokushin Karate and Japanese Kickboxing Dojo in the city of Glasgow.

–Over 40 years of training

–Graded to 5th Dan in 2014 by world-renowned Japanese Master Kazuyuki Hasegawa and being awarded the teacher's rank of ‘’Shihan’’ which freely translated means 'senior teacher'. In 2020, Prasanna Fernando formed Jissenkai Kickboxing with the aim of maintaining a traditional martial arts base with incorporating more realistic fighting techniques.

He now runs a full-time Dojo, working with students and instructors around the world.

Sathmi Fernando

Sempai Sathmi Fernando has trained exclusively in Kyokushin full contact Karate for 15 years.         

Sathmi brings great energy and enthusiasm to the Dojo as a competitor and helps her father Shihan Prasanna Fernando as an assistant instructor for the development of the Dojo..                 

–1st place at the age 15-16 category in All-UK open Karate Tournament in 2017

–2nd place at the 41st British Open Cadet heavyweight in 2017

–3rd place at the 43rd British Open Novice lightweight in 2019

–2nd place at the Scottish open woman lightweight in 2020

2nd Dan Black belt and Certified Instructor in British Martial Arts & Boxing Association..

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